Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Big Question

On Monday Sarah and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary of my propasal to her. Three years from the day when I got down on one knee and poped the question. Will you marry me? She said yes and life has never been the same.

Over the last three years we have experienced every range of emotion with each other, and it has been great! We can not imagine our lives without each other. When the Bible says, "the two shall become one" it is amazing how accurate that really has been in our lives. Strangely, I have noticed even when I talk about myself it is often in the plural, just out of habbit. When we are happy we are usually happy together, when we are sad we are usually sad together, when we are mad we are mad together, and when we are content we are content together. Becoming one is a strange mystery filled with joy and trials, but we would have it no other way. Even when we are upset with each other, in the back of our heads there is no one else we would rather be upset with.

We know it has only been three years and we have a lot to learn and a lot more of becoming one to do, but that is part of the fun. We feel blessed to have each other and are thankful to be together as one.


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