Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I have been speaking a lot at h2o (my church) lately and this Thursday I get the honor and privilege of talking about the subject everyone loves to discuss, no not algebra, sex. I don't know about you, but for a lot of people talking about sex in church seems a bit strange, I mean isn't that personal? But, when you really think about it, what better place then church to talk about one the world's most misunderstood subject. All this thinking about sex has really got fired up about a few things.

1. why do we think Hollywood knows more about sex then the church and God for that matter?

2. how many young people have bought into the lie that sex has no strings attached and no consequences?

3. why do people think sex can't be talked about at church?

The Bible is clear sex is a great thing created by God, and it is to be done well and done often. But, only in the right context, and that is in a committed marriage. Outside of that context, sex can be devastating and it can damage your soul in a way that our mind can't comprehend.

It is kinda like fire. What an awesome discovery, where would the world be without fire. We cook with it, heat our homes, sterilize things, burn unnecessary items, and a lot more it is great. But, when it gets out of control, look out. It can ruin lives, burn down homes that have taken years to build in a matter of seconds, it can even kill. Both sex and fire are extremely dangerous in the wrong context.

But, here is the good news, God can restore a person who has let sex ruin their lives in a matter of seconds. No matter how many mistakes we have made God can wipe our slate clean because of his great mercy. Like the Psalmist tells us �as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed our transgressions from us" ~Psalm 103:12. Sure there are still consequences here in this life, but our standing before God can be completely pure when we come to him and ask for His forgiveness.

If we can't talk about sex in the church then we have a problem, because we can't separate parts of our lives from our faith. Besides God may know a little bit about the subject, after all he did create it in the first place.  Posted by Picasa


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