Monday, November 13, 2006


Recently at one of our Thursday night services I got the opportunity to talk about the subject of evolution. I certainly do not claim to be a scientist, and yes I have to admit that I am a little bias towards a Creator because I am a Christian. But, it seems to me that Darwinian Evolution has some holes in it. Especially on a college campus this is a heated issue, people love to debate the subject and there are high emotions on both sides. This is a little ironic considering evolution is "science" and technically speaking there should be no emotions in true science. But, for whatever reason this issue gets people fired up. In fact, at our church service there were some people that strongly disagreed with what I shared. This was a good thing in my mind, I was just glad they were there. For me this is not an emotional issue at all, I don't believe in Darwinian Evolution, but if some how we were ever able to prove that it is true (which incidentally is impossible by everyone's estimations) then I would still have the same faith in a creator and in Christ...but that is just me. So here are some of the questions I asked in my teaching.

Question #1- Where are the fossils?
If we did truly evolve from species to species then why do we not see fossils of half bird and half reptiles. Or why do we not see living creatures that are in these in between stages? In fact, Darwin himself said this was the biggest problem with his theory. Darwin stated, "Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?"

Question #2- How can life resulted from non-life source?
Even the simplest form of life consists of billions of parts working together for the basic functioning of the organism. Mathematicians have figured out the odds of 200 amino acids forming on their own from a non life form are about 1 in 100 million to the 123 power! It would be like a tornado going through a junk yard and forming a completely working, perfectly formed 747 jet!

Question #3- Why do we have morals?
Macroevolution does away with the dignity of man. If Darwinian Evolution is true there is no difference between us and monkeys, then we should and have the right to behave in the same way as these animals. In fact, we should expect that we behave the same way as animals, we should not punish people for the crimes they commit, they are just living out their evolutionary instincts. But, every culture throughout the history of humanity has had certain morals that are common to all humans (don't kill, don't steal, etc)

Question #4- Why do we have a desire to create?
Why do we crave beauty? There is no evolutionary function to art or creativity. Yet, every human culture has valued it. We pay ridiculous amounts of money for valuable art because we are in awe of creation. That desire has to come from a creator, it has to come from God.

These are just a few thoughts I had on the topic, thought you might enjoy them.


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